Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Great StutterTalk interview with a mother who did Lidcombe

Great interview by Peter from StutterTalk on a mother's experience with Lidcombe. And how she got promised the gold standard, and she was told how all experts agree. Again the same fallacy. Lidcombe works perfectly, so if it doesn't work, the parents are to be blamed or the treatment has not been done correctly.

Listen from 28:00 onwards for a very powerful report of the mother...

Even though it's a good interview. It's still frustrating to see how the mother struggles to understand the phenomena and commits fallacies, but also Peter's replies and statements on the evidence base on Lidcombe is not exactly correct. But mind you even what Nan Ratner said on StutterTalk was not exactly correct. This is just the trouble of the whole field, the debates are filled with not exactly correct statements.


Dhruva Kathuria said...

It is the same with speech therapists in India,whenever a pws is fluent then its because of them and whenever he is not it is because he is at fault !!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,
There's an ex stutterer called Chazzler Dicyprian on the web who owns stutteringdissolution.com,he is selling the course for $67,as far as I read on his website he doesnt promise cure and looks quite authentic,could you do a review of his course for the sake of the stuttering community !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ratner doesn't have a clue about stuttering or its treatment. Lot's of "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah"

A "Wannabe...." but can't be.

Glad you called her out, Tom!